School Closed Monday 5th March

Dear Parents,

The school will be closed on Monday 5th March to facilitate staff training in relation to the Child First 2017 legislation.

​Following the Child First 2017 legislation (enacted December 2011) new Child Protection (CP) procedures for schools have been developed to reflect changes in the law.

These include:
➢ Preparation of a written Child Safeguarding Statement and a School Risk Assessment document by 11th March 2018 with copies provided to school personnel and, on request, to parents and to Tusla

➢ Provision for comprehensive staff training in Child Protection procedures (as outlined in Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017). The Department of Education and Skills has directed that schools must close for two half days or one full day so that school staff can be trained in this most important area. The Board of Management has approved a one day closure of the school on Monday 5th March to facilitate Child Protection training and to compile CP Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment documents in time for the required deadline (11th March 2018).

Board of Management members and Parent Association officers
will be invited to participate in the training day.

With best wishes,
John Chambers
Designated Liaison Person, Child Protection
Scoil Mhuire / Howth National School
23rd February 2018