Wellbeing Week

Dear Parents,

We will be holding our annual Wellbeing Week in school the week of 19th February (week we return from midterm break). We hope to make it an enjoyable experience for all the children, staff and parents.

Please see daily activities below:

Class Activities all week:

Poster Competition: details will be given at assemblies
Promote and encourage Random Acts of Kindness
Each class will create a Gratitude Wall
Moments of Mindfulness everyday
Random moments of dance

Mindful Monday:

  • Junior Assembly @ 9 am

  • Senior Assembly @ 10 am

Whole School Mindful Art Hour @ 11 am

Try It Tuesday:

  • Slipper Day for the whole school!! Yes, its back. The children bring their slippers in their bags and wear them in school

  • Fruit Platters for class tasting at 10.30 am


  • Parents talk @ 7.30 pm in the hall: Dave Russell (themindcoach.ie) will give a talk for parents giving advice and practical strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety in children. This promises to be an extremely informative talk with lots of advice for parents, followed by Q & A. Definitely not to be missed!!

Walk It Wednesday:

  • WOW – Walk on Wednesday

  • Yoga classes for Junior to 2nd class

  • Mindful walks – each class will take part in a mindful walk

Thankful Thursday:

  • Yoga classes for 2nd – 6th class

  • Thankful moments – encourage children to share thankful moments

Fitness Friday:

  • Lots of surprises in store


Kind regards,

Laura Anderson, Niamh Keogh & Jackie Mc Keon.

Ar Aghaigh le cheile