Seasonal Flu



Dear Parents,


As you are well aware, there is a continuing flu endemic in Ireland which is particularly prevalent in schools. We have initiated a few actions to ensure that germs are kept at bay:


  1. Hand sanitizers in use in all communal areas.
  2. Furniture surfaces sanitized after school by cleaning team.
  3. Notice on school website to alert general public to avoid unnecessary visits to the school and to keep children at home if they are unwell.
  4. Reminders to children to wash and dry their hands thoroughly.


Seasonal flu can give you any of these symptoms (as advised by the HSE):

  • sudden fever
  • dry, chesty cough,
  • headache,
  • tiredness,
  • chills,
  • aching muscles,
  • limb or joint pain,
  • diarrhoea or stomach upset,
  • sore throat,
  • runny or blocked nose,
  • sneezing,
  • loss of appetite


You can find further information on:


There have also been some isolated cases of ‘slapped cheek disease’ in the school which is a viral condition. While it is not a very serious condition, it can be highly contagious. Those infected will present with flu-like symptoms and often a red rash on their cheeks (though by the time the rash develops- it is usually no longer infectious.) Nonetheless, if your child presents with flu-like symptoms or a rash, please have them checked out by their doctor and keep them at home until they are fully recovered.


Kind Regards,

Claire Mannix (Health & Safety Staff Representative.)