Updated drop off and collection procedures

Dear Parents,

Our In School Management Team met today to help finalise procedures for our return to school on Monday 31st. A decision has been made to stagger the arrival of children to school and the exit at home time. We will do it alphabetically in three groups going by family surname.


8:40 surnames A-J

8:50 surnames K- N

9:00 surnames O- Z.


2:20 surnames A-J

2:30 surnames K-N

2:40 surnames O-Z

Important Notes:

  • Children are to be dropped off at the gate.
  • Our Special Education Teachers will be on the yard the first few mornings to direct pupils.
  • The yard is no longer a play zone in the morning and the children must walk directly to their classrooms.
  • Our classroom teachers will be in touch with their classes before the end of this week to say hello.
  • Each classroom is clearly numbered on each door and the PA will send out a classroom map via the WhatsApp groups.
  • Parents are not permitted to enter the school building.

Senior Infants and First Class are to enter/exit via the junior doors [ Junior Infants have their own schedule for Week One]

Second and Third Classes and Ms. Breen fourth class enter/ exit through the main school doors.

Fifth Classes enter the school via their classroom exit doors around the back of the school

Fourth Class [ MS. Reilly] and Sixth Classes enter the prefabs

This is on a trial basis and we will review it at the end of Week One.

 Other decisions made:

  1. Pencil cases to be left at school.
  2. Homework is on hold for the first few weeks until we get used to our new environment, increase confidence/wellbeing and focus on revision.
  3. If a child has forgotten his/her lunch it can be placed in a ‘drop box’ which will be placed outside the main school doors.
  4. Our isolation room has been allocated as the little kitchen off the hall. If a child presents with symptoms of Covid they will be brought to this room and parents/guardians will be contacted. If the child has siblings in the school those children will also be sent home while we await results of a Covid test. Please refer to our Response Plan on the school website for more details.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning.

Kind regards

John Chambers, Aisling Heerey, Claire Mannix, James Burke, Laura Anderson, Audrey Clarke